Monday, March 18, 2019

(ENTERTAINMENT) Angela Hill Hosts 100th Birthday Celebration For Husband Irwin Marcus


  Dr. Irwin Marcus, a semi-retired New Orleans psychiatrist, and Angela Hill, one of the most recognized retired news anchors in the city, are a striking couple.

    They met after the death of his wife, married, and 20 years later remain inseparable. On St. Patrick’s Day (March 17), Hill invited family and friends --- including New Orleans Saints owner Gayle Benson, entertainer Chris Owens and many notables from Hill's former employer WWL-TV --  to One River Place for a remarkable celebration: her husband’s 100th birthday.
   Many accolades celebrated the self-made man who put himself through medical school; the medical student who enlisted in the U.S. Army the day after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and entered active service in 1943 as a doctor of neurology/psychiatry; the consummate professional; and at 100, the man who still lives a  life of moderation.

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