Friday, June 30, 2023



1. Someone who loves you will correct you when you say or do wrong. They want you to be better. 

2. People don't mind being corrected, what they do mind is how you correct them. Your tone and your delivery.

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3. Don't correct someone in public, in the spectacle of others. Go somewhere private to air your concern. It communicates respect.

4. Ego keeps some people from receiving correction. It takes humility to welcome being informed of your error or flaws.

5. Being corrected doesn't mean you are a bad person or a failure. Stop being defensive when someone corrects you.

6. People are more receptive to the correction of someone who also appreciates their good. If all you do is tell someone how wrong they do things but don't notice and speak of the many things they do right, your correction will not be well received.

7. You would rather a friend and a spouse who corrects you with love than one who watches you going astray saying nothing. When you are loved, you are their business. What happens to you is of concern to them.

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8. Give people time to address their mistakes when you correct them. Be patient as people improve. Celebrate their progress 

9. Someone with a desire to be better welcomes correction. Iron sharpens iron. Help me to be better.

10. There is a difference between someone genuinely correcting you and someone bringing you down and making you feel lesser. Correction comes to build you up, not tear you down.

11. When correcting someone work on how you come across. Your delivery might hinder someone from seeing what you are trying to talk to them about.

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12. God will often use people to prune you and warn you. Pay attention to correction.

  Coined by Onwuemele Sunday


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